$187.00 USD

Avoiding Mealtime Battles Feeding Course

Take charge of your mealtimes and say goodbye to frustration and multiple meal preparations.

Join our course today and get INSTANT access to beginning a new healthy and happy relationship with food for your picky eater!

By taking this course, in under TWO hours, you will:

Learn effective techniques to decrease stress and create a positive mealtime environment

Gain practical strategies to structure meals for success

Discover tools tailored to support your child's unique developmental needs

Foster exploration and curiosity in your child's relationship with food

Find joy and satisfaction in mealtimes as your child expands their food choices


Reminders: This course takes less than 2 hours of your time. You'll have 60 days of access to complete this course.  

Please email any questions or concerns to: [email protected]


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Rest assured that your satisfaction is my top priority. In the unlikely event that you find this course does not meet your expectations, I offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee for a refund of the full cost- not questions asked!